As I have been having a pretty uneventful life of late! When scouring my external hard drive I came across a folder of pictures of Ginger I found at the end of the summer, some of which I'm fairly sure I haven't shared, so shall be posting these as I find the time! Here's hoping I'm not just duplicating photos found in my absence. I love the one above!
But anyway, decided to regale you with a few tales of Beth which relate (somewhat vaguely) to Ginger.
To begin with... LENT! Taking inspiration from Ginger, have given up alcohol for let. NOwthis may seem a non-issue to many of you, but as a student, ye olde beer/vodka composes a large part of our diet here in the UK. So am thus far avoiding peer-pressure and following Gingers teetotality... if thats not already a word... I coin it!
Secondly, building on earlier figure skating post... those of you who haven't already should check out the original and free routines of the couples that finished first and second in the ice dance, Canadian, Moir and Virtue (specially their original) and that Phantom free routine of the americans... STUNNING!
Valentines was unremarkable except for some super cute Valentines I ordered from Kate Gabrielle's flapperdoodle site! If you haven't already head across and have a look at her art... she does theses adorable cartoon flappers, and also has a range of classic movie inspired stuff. As a young artist she needs all the help we can give and her work deserves to be seen, its all super quirky and to steal a word "spiffy"
There's the link... go on... you wont regret it!
And finally, somethng I'm suprised I haven't already bored you with. Since before Christmas I've been a little bit hooked on the TV show 'Bones'. Now I'm not exactly sure why I love it so much, I just adore the mix of characters, the way the leads (Emily Deschanel/David Boreanaz) have a chemistry that could burn down buildings, combined with some pretty excellent scripting, fun supporting cast and high levels of interest plotwise... you get the picture! Also, Bones is not about sex for the most part, which is something I find kinda wearing on TV, so its a nice change to see genuine loving relationships without having the physical thrust in our faces. Anyway... I LOVE IT, and I was struck today when rewatching an episode that Bones (Deschanel) may have the best eyes in the world since Ginger. Indeed, hers are the colour I imagine Ginger's to be when I see her in black and white (Though actually Ginger's are a wee bit darker). The physical resemblance goes no further, but of modern TV, she is certainly my favourite leading lady!
Not always obviously pretty, Emily has stunning bone structure, and is in my opinion quirkily very beautiful, not mentrion actually a normal dress size! Also, very driven and motivated to stand up for what she believes in (Vegan Animal rightsy stuff). In a Gingery fashion, she's pretty diversely talented good singer,sportsy ( no jokes has some mad trapeze skills!), not to mention a pretty spiffy dresser (with a deal of 30s/40s inspiration) so another Beth inspiration! Ginger does of course trump her, but having a living actress I enjoy watching does have it's perks!
Thats's pretty much it, and not really Ginger related but I figured I'd let you know whats happening in my life... any other Ginger and bones fans??