I very much enjoyed reading everyones feedback on the Fred and Ginger poll, it was grewat to hear from you all and I felt like I was getting to know you a bit!
Anyways, so I thought I might make it more regular, so that I can continue the process, hoping it'd lead to a broader appreciation of all things Ginger, as well as the opportunity for us all to learn more about eachothers Ginger tastes, likes, pet peeves and favourites!
Anyways, so I'll probably post a poll tomorrow, and would love to know what you all think of the idea...
If it goes ahead, when I post the results for a poll, I'd love for those who are reading to suggest their own ideas for the next one, so its not just me inputting and we get a wider range of questions!
Hope you're all well, and thanks for reading!
Keep it Gingery!
Beth xx
what a great idea!
ReplyDeleteps. Don't you love Twenty Million Sweethearts? The songs in that film are so catchy!
Yes I adore 20 million sweethearts, though its a bit too focused on Dick Powell for my Ginger radar! xx
ReplyDelete...Great idea to do polls - it is always a good way to start conversation on a given topic...
ReplyDeleteOne I have already thought about would be 'What is your favorite Ginger/Fred dance routine?' It may be hard to trim the list down to 5 or 6, though...
Another topic, maybe a bit more 'general', would be 'Preferred hair color for Ginger - Blonde or Red?' Honestly, either works for me, and that might be a hard choice for a lot of us...
P.S. - Thanks for posting the great 'individual' pic at the top of this entry! - it has been 'placed' into my VKM pix file...
Also brown for hair color, right? The KITTY FOYLE year(s). I remember reading something about, 'Rogers became a brunette and won the Oscar.'
ReplyDeleteAs if that's all it took. ;)
I love this picture of her, by the way. Such a knock-out with the blonde hair. And in Sepia.
Have you a done a poll for 'Favorite Ginger movie WITHOUT Fred?'
I'd enjoy seeing the results of that one. :)
Hahah yes, I intende to do some just Ginger polls, but havent thought of the right questions at the moment! The only problem, with favourite non Fred Ginger is there are soooo many!How to decide which films to include. The advantage to Fred is he limits her 73 movies to 10 which is a much more pollable number!! Perhaps I could do Favourite GInger movie of 1940-42!!
ReplyDelete..you know, I guess she is 'naturally' brunette when not blonde - I went through her book to find out (I am VERY retentive about stuff, LOL) - and prior to her 'blonding', she describes her hair color as 'chestnut' - which sounds a lot like brunette - but she also noted 'Egyptian Red' highlights, whatever that is... but in a few of her early movies, it seems she is referred to as 'red-haired' - one I can think of off-hand is in Rafter Romance, when her boss is teaching them how to 'pitch' the product on the phone - he calls her 'the one with the red curls' or words to that effect. ANYWAY - not arguing at all - just seeking the TRUTH...and being retentive in the process, I know - sorry :-}
ReplyDeleteNono she is definitely red headed at someponts.... In Swing Time Fred says that he wants a dance teacher "Fred - and if she had red hair.... Mabel - Then she might be able to teach you to move your feet?" and in the final song "The boys will cheer that guy and the redhead with him". She obviously looks blonde though so I imagine her to be strawberry blonde! Its so hard to know,thats the only problem with black and white! I suppose judging my more recent clips her hair was also white eventually, though I doubt anyone would vote for that!
ReplyDelete...Well, I guess the overriding factor would be the fact that the bulk of her movies are in black and white, so I guess that effectively narrows the inquiry to "light-haired Ginger or dark-haired Ginger?" But the hair color is one of those topics fun to gather info on...
ReplyDelete..back to your entry subject, how about 'Favorite Ginger SOLO song?' when you start to think about it, she has quite a few, not even counting any in the Ginger/Fred series... I have the 'In Person' tunes stuck in my head as of late, especially 'Don't Mention Love to Me'... of course, 'We're in the Money' is priceless - it cannot get any more great than Ginger singing in Pig Latin!
Another great idea jwalker! I'msaving them all, youll see them soon!You'llbe reminded of me, from Vivacious Lady is one of my favourite GInger solos... and Music Makes Me. The In person songs are swell!
ReplyDelete"...You'll be reminded of me... and I'll be LAUGHING!!!" Jimmy Stewart didn't stand a chance, did he?
ReplyDeleteMusic Make Me is a great one, too - pre-code kinda made it a bit more 'interesting' than some of the later songs - and I think 'Honey Hale' may be her funniest character name ever... although 'Anytime Annie' ranks up there, too... hmmm...maybe ANOTHER poll question - best GR charcter name?
I need to check out 20mil Sweethearts - have not seen that one yet (I have a LOT of catching up to do!) Is that the one with 'Did you ever see a Dream Walking?'
No, Dream Walking was in the film "Sitting Pretty" from 1933. Poll topic noted!! I really do wish Ginger and Jimmy had made it as a couple, that shot from Vivacious Lady, he's so tall and she's tiny, its so insanely cute! As for the youtube comment on another post, Im trying to gradually post films but my moviemakers playingup! If you want to get a hand in torrents, I can help. I was a complete noob but with the ehlp of an online friend came across a very good private tracker (almost risk free) which specialises in classic movies, and its so easy to work out! If you're interested, I'll send you an invite to this site which has about 55 of GIngers movies available to download... I posted several here myself :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I would like that very much... sounds like there are quite a few available on there. Actually, I ran thru 'WIKI' and did the background on 'torrent' - sounds pretty much like the music file sharing deal that everyone had so much fun with until the RIAA and others jumped in... but my take on it is this - in our particular situation, we are looking for OUT OF PRINT movies that the studios probably have no plans for (unfortunately)... so how is sharing something you can't buy otherwise a crime?
ReplyDeleteAnything made after 1965 is not on my search list...speaking of which, I might be throwing $5.00 (US) out the window, but I went on eBay and bought 'Harlow' on DVD - not expecting much, but everything on there says it is a decent copy - sounds like the guy just burns copies of it - says it is 'Region (0)zero' - which, if I understand, can play ANYWHERE... so, that may be an avenue for you, too... if you can't 'torrent' it (is that what you call it?) I am a slow learner...:-[
Again, please sign me up or whatever for the torrent site...Thanks!
...actually, I guess you need my e-mail (did I mention I was a slow learner?)... if so, it is jwhuey67@charter.net ...thanks again!
ReplyDeleteokey dokey, ill mail you an invite and some instructions (The invite will be from "Gormogon" my username is gingerrogersxx and my email address is bethrstephens@aol.com). Probably wont arrive til this evening as ive got a busy day :) The Gormogon site (I have no idea why this is the name) only allows movies made before 1983 to be uploaded, which means ts primarily composed of "out of print "movies and the torrent types dont pay it much attention!
ReplyDeleteBeth xx
Thanks, Beth!
ReplyDeleteHopefully I can be able to get things set up with it... And be able to 'contribute', however that works...again, it's good there are no 'recent' items on there...not really interested in those, anyway...although it's a bit unnervinig that 1983 is the 'out-of-print' cutoff - I graduated High School in '85!!!
Hope your day goes by well! I'm just starting out Friday morning here, so the weekend is close at hand - so I can hopefully have time to figure the setup out. Thanks again, JW
P.S. - still waiting for 'Harlow' DVD - maybe I could put that one on there... hopefully it will be watchable, in any respects...
Beth - thanks again - I am 'in' now... I will try to get the program needed to check out stuff... but any more info or help would be GREATLY appreciated! This is GREAT! JW -
ReplyDeleteBTW, my name is Jeff - 'jwhuey67' is just what I had to use for my e-mail address (after going thru about 30 or so combinations...) - my middle name is Hughes, so 'Huey' for short... not sure if I am related to Howard Hughes, but he and I definitely had (have) a common interest in Ginger!
...Is there a limit for consecutive posts? sorry - but just wanted you to know my 'name' on Gorgymon ? is vkmfan - not most original, but still descriptive - I figure only TRUE Ginger fans are aware of the VKM initials.
ReplyDeleteThanks again, Beth - I think there is something else that has to be done (maybe by you...not sure) before I can get 'going' on the torrent site... you know much more about it than I!
I'll email you a load of info tomorrow! Just got back from an intensive dance compettition and am almost dead, so afraid cant manage tonight :)
Thaks, Beth! I will be on the lookout for it... Great that you are a dancer - hope it all went well for you! My little girl has been dancing for 4 years now (half her life!) and while not 'intense' by any means, she has improved over the years, and seems to enjoy it...hope she keeps it up, as well as you! Thanks again, JW